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Merna Michelle Vera, M.D. is a Board Certified Family Practitioner and Functional Medicine Physician with over 30 years experience. Dr. Michelle provides care for the entire family from infants to the elderly taking care of complex medical problems and general health maintenance. She has a special interest in natural remedies and preventive healthcare.Dr. Michelle graduated from the UCCEM school of medicine and completed her residency at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.Dr. Michelle has a special interest in natural remedies in preventive healthcare. She provides multiple perspectives, combining with traditional medicine to manage medical problem including troubled teenagers, young adults, sleep disorders, fatigue. Her focus is on the whole person, combining traditional and preventive medicine for a better life.

Do you think your teenager may be in trouble? Are they going too far with drinking? Are they taking drugs? But what do you do now? And what can you do if you think there is something wrong? Confrontation with your teenager usually produces arguments and they state that everything is "fine" or that you are nosy or paranoid. How can you find the truth? What can you do when you find the truth to help your child? This book answers these questions. There is help!Dr. Michelle Vera, a Family Physician with over 25 years experience gives hope and answers.
- 12 Of The Best Ways To Get A Toxic Free Kitchen
- 15 Health Problems Linked to Monsanto's Roundup
- 16 Cancer Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day
- 21 Foods to Always Buy Organic (Even If You’re On a Budget!)Link
- Alkaline Food Chart
- Autism Natural Treatment, Including the Right Foods & Supplements
- Cancer Prevention Begins With Your Lifestyle Choices
- Constipation
- Could Swaddling Your Baby Increase the Risk of SIDS?
- Detox and Stay Healthy
- Developmental Delay in Children
- Healthy Diet Recommendations (Without MSG and GMO Foods) Made Simple
- How to Avoid the Worst Plastics
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Prostrate Cancer: Symptoms and Causes
- Should I Take Vitamins?
- Sleep Apnea: Could you have this?
- Stay Healthy This Season Tips
- Symptoms & Diseases Associated With Vitamin D Deficiency
- The Lies Behind GMO Foods
- Top 8 Harmful Chemicals To Avoid In Skin Care
- 14 Traits of an Adult Child of an Alcoholic
- When Do Babies Start Talking?
I have had many patients come to me with constipation. They are unable to have a bowel movement for a few days or a week. A daily regular bowel movement is healthy. This is one of the body’s way of removing toxins. Chronic constipation can lead to health issues such as Diverticulosis called pouches in the colon. Later the pouches can get seeds from the food eaten stuck inside the pouch and cause pain and further health problems. Please call your Doctor if you have abdominal pain.Foods to Avoid
Apples or Apple juice
Foods to Eat
Increase Fruits, and vegetables in diet. Try to add 2 servings per meal. Try a salad and side vegetable. Cauliflower is great to add to spaghetti sauce, chili. Make it into cauliflower rice with ninja or buy already made in frozen section at grocery store.
Increase water intake. Goal is 8 glasses of 8 oz.
Add prune juice at night. Start with 4 oz and increase if needed.
Try bran type cereal: Raisin Bran, Kashi go lean Crunch, or low carb granola.
Whole Psyllium Husk Soluble Fiber, get organic 1 tsp increase to 2 tablespoons per night with 8oz of water.
Alternatively, may try Fibercon tablets, or Metamucil.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Detox and Stay Healthy
There are many chemicals in the food, water and air that can be harmful to your health: lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic, plastic, and insecticides, such as glyphosate OR atrazine. These chemicals cause an array of symptoms from nothing to foggy head; headache, fibromyalgia, fatigue, depression, diabetes, cancer after 10 years. It is very difficult to know if you have a chemical causing these problems, because generally medical doctors are not looking for them; the cost for patients can be very high for each chemical or toxin test ordered.1. What you eat and drink makes a big difference: pure water, avoid foods with pesticides and toxic metals. Often drinking water for babies has fluoride added which is not healthy. Many bottled waters are contaminated with arsenic, cadmium and mercury and BPA. Eating out can contain many pesticides, or toxic metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum.2. Clean air: purchase an air filter - If you are unable to purchase this, remember to open your windows and let the air circulate. This is unless you live near an area where there is pollution: cars, trucks, industry. Purchase a green plant for the home Avoid secondhand smoke.3. Avoid TOXINSPlastic: It increases risk for cancer diabetes and is called obesogenic; which means when ingested it increases obesity. Plastics are everywhere: plastic wrap, plastic containers, bottles, pacifiers, even the vinyl in a shower curtain emits toxic chemicals. Be careful to** NOT to heat up plastic in the microwave, because the plastic is absorbed into the food and then you eat it. Be especially careful of anything that has BPA. As consumers are informed about BPA, companies are able to produce different plastics which still have toxic effects, so BEWARE.see below for more detailsAvoid flame retardant Items which have PBDE: In Sweden, research found PBDE in biopsies of women with breast cancer. PBDE is in flame-retardant items at home. Look for products free of PBDE they may emit toxic chemicals and can even be found in dust within the home: mattresses, crib mattresses, car seats, nursing pillows, nap pads, changing tables. PDBEmay be found in upholstered furniture or old carpet; wear a mask if you remove carpeting. Foam that is exposed in cushion covers may contain these chemicals; make sure the cushion is always protected with a cover. Research which manufactures do NOT add chemical fire retardant to their products. Clean floors with organic detergents and water to remove dust - Amway LOC.Avoid GMO Reduce intake of genetically modified or GMO foods: Beware of the genetically modified foods. You can look online for more information. In the meantime, I've enclosed a list of some of these ingredients to look for. It is not possible to reduce all of these: Aspartame, canola oil, confectioners' sugar, corn flour, corn matzo, cornmeal, corn oil, corn sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch, cottonseed oil, equal fructose, glucose, glutamate, glutamic acid, glycerol, glycerol mono-oleate, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, inositol, inversol, isoflones, lactic acid, lecithin, malitol, monosodium glutamate or MSG, NutraSweet, protein isolate, soy flour, soy isolate, soy lecithin, soy milk, soy oil, starch, stearic acid, sugar (unless cane sugar), tamari, teriyaki marinades, textured vegetable protein, triglyceride, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, whey, whey powder, xanthum gum.4. Avoid MSG
Glutamic acid, glutamate, monosodium glutamate, mono potassium glutamate, calcium glutamate, mono ammonium glutamate, magnesium glutamate, naturium glutamate, anything hydrolyzed any hydrolyzed protein, calcium casein, sodium caseinate, yeast, gelatin, textured protein, whey protein, whey protein concentrate or isolate, soy protein or isolate, anything protein, anything protein fortified, soy , enzyme modified, anything containing protease, Vetsin, Ajinomoto, Umani5.Avoid fluoride, lead and aluminum: fluoride is often found in toothpaste. It may have an effect on the brain, especially in children. Try Toms Toothpaste. Paint chips, water pipes, and even dust within homes built prior to 1978, may contain lead, or in a coffee brewer called cafetara. STOP using aluminum in cookware. Check your pots to see what kind they are, avoid Teflon based cookware.6. Skin: creams, makeup, hair color dye, or anything applied to skin may influence your health, as it can be absorbed: mercury, asbestos, lead have been found in some of these items. Read labelsHow to remove Toxins
2. EGW: keeps you up-to-date on usable products. Stay informed
3. Suggestions for Detox – to remain in optimal health:Fix Constipation problem (until 1 to 2 BM per day): increase fiber, bran (homemade bran muffins) oatmeal, flax seed, inulin powder. Add detox product daily: metabolic maintenance detox powder, (use a ½ scoop to 1 scoop per day - otherwise check with me). _ _ RecommendedExercise and a sauna: sweating are great ways to detox. Recommended4. Foods: increase vitamin C in fresh fruits, cilantro, coriander, turmeric, ginger, broccoli, onions, garlic, chia seeds, beans_. _ RecommendedGood foods include fermented, good fats and special detox foods. _ _ Recommended5. Teas: turmeric, ginger, honey, cinnamon, (purchase organic roots - 2 tbl each; mix with 1/2 green tea and drink this mixture during the day). ** Recommended6. Supplements : magnesium, zinc, COQ10, Vitamin D, alpha lipoic acid, Vitamin C 2000 mg (twice a day), chlorophyll or spirulina (green powder). _ _ RecommendedMORE INFORMATIONPlastics or phthalates:
Why avoid them? In the past few years, researchers have linked phthalates to asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, breast cancer, obesity, type II diabetes, low IQ, neurodevelopmental issues, behavioral issues, autism spectrum disorders, altered reproductive development and male fertility issues. They have begun to study them in the last few years to see their effect on us. Plastics or phthalates are not required to be tested before they are used.What are they? While phthalates are a huge class of chemicals (nowhere near every chemical in the class has been studied), several have been shown to have negative health impacts: butyl benzyl phthalate (BBzP), dibutyl phthalate (DnBP), di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), di-butyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP, as well as many others. These chemicals are found in household items (vinyl flooring), personal care products (hair care, body wash, some cosmetics), fragrance, household cleaners, and food. Plastic tubing used commercially to package items, even in hospitals. For those who either avoid these products or buy phthalate-free variations, phthalates found in unexpected places.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Developmental Delay in Children
Any delay in development requires close re-evaluation of the child and serious intervention.1. AVOID: INPUT of any GMO, Gluten, MSG, Inflammatory foods and liquids.A. AVOID MSG: other names for MSG - glutamic acid, glutamate, monosodium glutamate, mono potassium glutamate, calcium glutamate, mono ammonium glutamate, magnesium glutamate, naturium glutamate, hydrolyzed foods, hydrolyzed protein, calcium casein, sodium caseinate, yeast, gelatin, textured protein, whey protein, whey protein concentrate or isolate, soy protein or isolate, protein fortified foods, soy, enzyme modified, protease, Vetsin, Ajinomoto, Umani. The following often contain MSG during processing: carrageenan, bouillon or stock, natural flavor, maltodextrin, oligo dextrin, citrate, ultra-pasteurized, barley malt, malted barley, pectin, seasonings, Sofrito, Adobo.B. AVOID GMO especially SOY and CORN and the following ingredients: aspartame, canola oil, confectioner's sugar, corn flour, corn matzo, cornmeal, corn oil, corn sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch, cottonseed oil, equal fructose, glucose, glutamate, glutamic acid, glycerol, glycerol mono-oleate, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, inositol, inversol, isoflones, lactic acid, lecithin, malitol, monosodium glutamate or MSG, NutraSweet, protein isolate, soy flour, soy isolate, soy lecithin, soy milk, soy oil, starch, stearic acid, sugar (unless cane sugar), tamari, teriyaki marinades, textured vegetable protein, triglyceride, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, whey, whey powder, xanthium gum.C. AVOID milk and milk products : replace with almond milk or coconut milk.D. AVOID gluten: stop wheat until tested.2. AVOID Toxic Chemicals : ** pesticides and toxic metals. These may add problems for children already having some difficulty detoxing. ** EWG can keep you up-to-date on products safe to use.A. AVOID unpurified water: "Baby water" sold in stores often has fluoride added which is NOT** Many bottled waters are contaminated with arsenic, cadmium and mercury.B. AVOID plastic: increases risk for cancer, diabetes, and is called obesogenic, which means it can increase weight. Plastic wrap, plastic containers, bottles, pacifiers, even a vinyl shower may emit toxic chemicals. Be careful NOT to heat up plastic in the microwave; this plastic is absorbed into the food, then eaten. Look for BPA free.C. AVOID** other toxins**: Flame retardant Items may have PBDE: Look for products that do not contain this because they may emit toxic chemicals. They may be found in dust from crib mattresses, car seats, nursing pillows, nap pads, changing tables, upholstered furniture, cushion foam or old carpet.D. AVOID fluoride : in toothpaste, water. It may be toxin to brain. Try Tom's toothpaste.E. Beware of applications to skin: creams, baby bath, soap, baby powder, makeup, hair color dye, anything applied to skin, which may have an effect as it may be absorbed; mercury, asbestos, lead3. Recommend: Good fats, Fermented foods, Organic foodsA. Recommend Good fats: add good fats to each meal-such as: raw nuts (except peanuts) olive oil, coconut, avocado, Ghee, butter and eggs.B. Recommend Fermented foods or probitics : organic whole milk - kefir and yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickled foods, miso soup, Tempe ( - Fermented Foods for more information on how to make your own fermented vegetables)C. ALLOW organic and healthy foods: add these regularly to the diet. Fix constipation (until 1 to 2 BM per day) by increasing fiber; bran (homemade bran muffins), oatmeal, flax seed, inulin powder (for older children). Increase vitamin C in fresh fruits, lemon, cilantro, coriander, turmeric, ginger, broccoli, onions, garlic, chia seeds, beans, prunes. IF a child is over one year old - add local honeyConsider Teas: turmeric, ginger, honey, cinnamon. Purchase organic roots (2 tbl each, for a large pot of water. dilute and alone one 4 oz. drink per day if 1 year or older.4. Recommend Exercise, Interactive Games and Clean Air: exercise daily for a few hours; get outside and breath clean air. Remember to open your windows to let the air circulate. Avoid secondhand smoke, pollution from cars, trucks, industry. Green plants are great inside the home.Beware of too much TV:no TV until 2 years old, then 1 hour per day.Organize one on one interaction: include teaching numbers, words, games with blocks, songs which repeat words or phrases, i.e. Ring Around the Rosie.5. Consider Supplements: do not use traditional multi vitamins as they may block a good vitamin.A. vitamin D 400 IU - Nordic Naturals Fish oil - the goal is about 1000 mg per day. DHA and EPA, both needed depending on weight and problems. Dr. Sears omega3/omega 6 level. Infant DHA 5 ml per day: Vitamin C - 1000 mg per day or twice a day.D. Probiotic – daily; change every few powder B complex liquid – begin with ½ ml tsp daily for 2 weeks.**F. ** Multiple vitamin - older children or adults - Amy Lasko Folic Acid - recommended - although dose must be determined individually:**I. ** Safe treatment for metal detox - modified citrus pectin Lab tests available: Vitamin D level, Lead, CBC, hair analysis (check for toxins so specific foods and medical foods can be added); mineral testing (verify having proper minerals in the body to break down foods).Stool testing - test for amount of good bacteria and pathogens23 and me genetic testing by Amy Lasko : test for vitamin deficiency enzymes to target specific genes that can help target the correct therapy
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Cancer Prevention Begins With Your Lifestyle Choices
Get your Yearly Mammogram and Monthly self-breast exam• Eat real food ; avoid processed foods and sugars, especially processed fructose. All forms of sugar are detrimental to health in general and promote cancer. Fructose, however, is clearly one of the most harmful and should be avoided as much as possible.• Stop eating AT LEAST three hours before going to bed. There is quite compelling evidence showing that when you supply fuel to the mitochondria in your cells at a time when they don't need it, they will leak a large number of electrons that will liberate reactive oxygen species (free radicals), which damage mitochondrial and eventually nuclear DNA. There is also evidence to indicate that cancer cells uniformly have damaged mitochondria, so the last thing you want to do is eat before you go to bed.• Optimize your vitamin D. Vitamin D influences virtually every cell in your body and is one of nature's most potent cancer fighters. Vitamin D is actually able to enter cancer cells and trigger apoptosis (cell death). If you have cancer, your vitamin D level should be between 40 and 60 ng/ml.• Limit your protein. Newer research has emphasized the importance of the motor pathways. When these are active, cancer growth is accelerated. To quiet this pathway, I believe it may be wise to limit your protein to one gram of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. O more than one fistful protein per meal• Avoid soy products. soy is high in plant estrogens, or phytoestrogens, also known as isoflavones. In some studies, soy appears to work in concert with human estrogen to increase breast cell proliferation, which increases the chances for mutations and cancerous cells. Some experts allow organic fermented soy• Improve your insulin and leptin receptor sensitivity. The best way to do this is by avoiding sugar and grains and restricting carbs to mostly fiber vegetables. Also making sure you are exercising, especially with high-intensity interval training.• Exercise regularly. One of the primary reasons exercise works to lower your cancer risk is because it drives your insulin levels down, and controlling your insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risks. It's also been suggested that apoptosis (programmed cell death) is triggered by exercise, causing cancer cells to die. Studies have also found that the number of tumors decrease along with body fat. This is because exercise helps lower your estrogen levels. See HIIT at• Maintain a healthy body weight. This will come naturally when you begin eating right for your nutritional type and exercising. It's important to lose excess body fat because fat produces estrogen.• Drink a pint to a quart of organic green vegetable juice daily. Please review juicing at• Get plenty of high quality animal-based omega-3 fats, such as krill oil. Omega-3 deficiency is a common underlying factor for cancer.• Use curcumin. This is the active ingredient in turmeric, purchase the root. Make my ginger, turmeric, cinnamon with local honey tea.• Avoid drinking alcohol,.• Avoid electromagnetic fields as much as possible. Even electric blankets can increase your cancer risk.• Avoid these ingredient in products , see cell app EWG or think dirty to help determine- BPA, phthalates, and other xenoestrogens. These are found in plastics ,cosmetics ,nail polish and receipts. They are estrogen-like compounds that have been linked to increased breast cancer risk
- Avoid Triclosan in hand soap may affect thyroid function, cause cancer, antibiotic resistance
- Avoid parabens : found in creams, deodorant
- 1,4 Dioxane not on ingredient label, a petroleum derived contaminant of sudsing bathproduct• Make sure use iodine in salt ,. Iodine is a potent anti-cancer agent and has been shown to cause cell death in breast and thyroid cancer cells. Eat kelp chips sometimes and Purchase salt with Iodine like Celtic sea salt gourmet seaweed seasoning or pink Himalayan salt.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Healthy Diet Recommendations (Without MSG and GMO Foods) Made Simple
I recommend to decrease GMO foods (genetically modified), and decrease MSG in your foods. Start increasing fresh organic fruits, vegetables and organic milk, eggs, chicken, meat as much as possible.1.Reduce intake of genetically modified or GMO foods: Beware of the genetically modified foods. Here is a list of some of these ingredients to look for. It is not possible to reduce all of these:Aspartame, canola oil, confectioners sugar, corn flour, corn matzo, cornmeal, corn oil, corn sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch, cottonseed oil, equal fructose, glucose, glutamate, glutamic acid, glycerol, glycerol mono-oleate, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated starch, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, inositol, inversol, isoflones, lactic acid, lecithin, malitol, monosodium glutamate or MSG, NutraSweet, protein isolate, soy flour, soy isolate, soy lecithin, soy milk, soy oil, starch, stearic acid, sugar (unless cane sugar), tamari, teriyaki marinades, textured vegetable protein, triglyceride, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, whey, whey powder, xanthum gum.2.Reduce intake of MSG. Other names for this include:Glutamic acid, glutamate, monosodium glutamate, mono potassium glutamate, calcium glutamate, mono ammonium glutamate, magnesium glutamate, naturium glutamate, anything hydrolyzed any hydrolyzed protein, calcium casein, sodium caseinate, yeast, gelatin, textured protein, whey protein, whey protein concentrate or isolate, soy protein or isolate, anything protein, anything protein fortified, soy , enzyme modified, anything containing protease, Vetsin, Ajinomoto, UmaniThese often contain MSG during processing: Carrageenan, bouillon or stock, Natural flavor, natural flavor, maltodextrin, oligodextrin, citrate, anything ultra-pasteurized, barley malt, malted barley, pectin, seasonings3.Increase consumption of organic foods and specifically more fresh fruits and vegetables:Start with organic whole milk, organic eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables which can reasonable at Costco. Organic whole chicken is an inexpensive way to purchase chicken. Also, look for local farms for fruits and vegetables. Start somewhere and try to make family dinner at home adding your own healthy ingredients.For more details read this article: with Highest Pesticides:
Sweet Bell Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
Kale/Collard Greens
Summer Squash
Nectarines (imported)
Hot PeppersFruits and vegetables, you DON'T need to buy organic
Known as the "Clean 15", these conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables are generally low in pesticides.Asparagus
Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas (frozen)
Sweet Potatoes
Cantaloupe4. Add some fermented foods: fermented foods like Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, apple cider vinegar, sourdough bread, Miso, Tempeh, Natto. Beware of too much soy. I only suggest organic and fermented soy products as can be processed with aluminum. Also, soy is estrogen like food and is not recommended for consumption by women with breast cancer. See, Fermented Foods for more information.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Multiple Sclerosis
There is hope. Please do not give up. Dr Terry Hall has a tremendous testimony of how the whole food diet changed her life. She had tried all traditional treatments and was in a wheel chair not getting better. She started a whole foods diet rich in foods of the rainbow.Watch this video of Dr Hall recovery from wheel chair to bike riding.The following are some recommendations for Multiple Sclerosis- Iodine- seaweed or salt with iodine like sea salt or Himalayan salt
- For the mitochondria to work best you'll need the following, which can be taken as supplement:
Coenzyme Q 10
Fish oil 3000 mg per day must be pure from Nordic Naturals, or
B complex vitamins especially B1
Check vitamin D level
? CreatineAstaxan 1m to 3 mg per dayDHA 1500 mg per day Change your diet with the following:1. 3 cups of greens,2. 3 cups of sulfur rich vegetables: cabbage cauliflower broccoli, Turnips, rutabagas, Brussel sprouts, radish, collards, onions, garlic, leeks, Chives, mushrooms, asparagus3. 3 cups of bright color vegetables and fruits- Grass fed beef
- Organs once a week: liver, gizzards, Sweetbread, etc
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Stay Healthy This Season Tips
Flu season is quickly approaching, but that doesn't mean you're inevitably going to get it. Follow the preventative steps below for a happier, healthier season.1. Wash your hands frequently, keep cell phone clean
2. Clean tooth brush daily, may use peroxide to rinse and then rinse with water.
3. Take a good multivitamin: ex sells the double X product with 3 tablets: vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient. Pure encapsulation, and Megafood also have good vitamins
4. Take zinc 25 mg per day for one week
5. Vitamin C 1000 mg twice or three times a day
6. Get plenty of rest
7. Ok to exercise but mild exercise, not regular work out.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Should I Take Vitamins?
To take or not to take that is the question. I have read articles by well-known physicians with research backing them stating that patients don't need to take vitamins. I've heard numerous patients from all cultural backgrounds tell me that they don't need to take vitamins as well.I have to disagree. I believe probably most of us all need to take vitamins. Unfortunately, this is a necessary addition to our meal planning in order to stay healthy, feel better. So, let me share some of the reason for my beliefs. First of all, a generation ago we use to rotate crops and add fertilizer that contained minerals and vitamins. We also didn't add toxic insecticide to foods and coat them with plastic that would cause toxins to be ingested. We didn't have multiple foods mixed with numerous chemicals. We didn't need to filter water in order to remove hormones, drugs, lead, mercury and other substances toxic. We do not test for many vitamins and minerals to verify the person has the correct amount so how do we really know we do not need them?The rate of allergies has grown exponentially. Now, about 35 to 50% of all the people have allergies while until 20 years ago or so it was closer to 5 to 10%. We see peanut allergies in children with serious reactions, and we see more Alzheimer's and Autism than ever before.As a Functional Medicine physician, I studied the biochemical processes involved in breaking down our foods, the need for vitamins and minerals in order to keep all of the biochemical pathways working well. Additionally, we are not all the same. We have different genes, some with less enzymes needed to break down foods, etc.The problem with the studies is that not all vitamins are created equal. Most vitamins are not certified or organic. Certified means that somebody checks to see that the vitamin is actually being made in an organic environment and contains what is on the label. They can use alternative fillers or grind dog bones to use as calcium and call it Vitamin. Also, it may not have the mg of Vitamin stated on the label.I heartily recommend taking vitamins, choosing good companies. Eating more whole foods is equally important and fermented foods like Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, apple cider vinegar, sourdough bread, Miso, Tempeh, Natto. Beware of too much soy. I only suggest organic and fermented soy products as can be processed with aluminum. Also soy is estrogen like food and is not recommended for consumption by women with breast cancer.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.
Alkaline Foods to Keep PH Normal
Alkalizing proteins
Tempeh, fermented only
tofu, fermented only.
Whey protein powder.Alkalizing sweeteners
Alkalizing spices and seasonings.
Chili pepper
Herbs all
Sea salt.
TamariAlkalizing other
Alkaline antioxidant water.
Apple cider vinegar organic
Bee pollen
Fresh fruit juice
Green juices
Lecithin granules
Mineral water
Molasses, blackstrap
Probiotic or cultures
Soured dairy products.
Veggie juicesAlkalizing minerals
Calcium: pH 12
Cesium: pH 14.
Magnesium: pH nine
Potassium: pH 14
Sodium: page 14.
Although it may seem that citrus would be acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid does notAlkalizing vegetables
Barley grass
Beet greens.
Chard greens.
Collett greens
Edible flowers.
Fermented veggies.
Green beans
Green peas.
Mustard greens.
Nightshade veggies.
Parsnips high glycemic.
Sea veggies
Sweet potatoes
Wheat grass.
Wild greens.Alkalizing oriental vegetables
Dandelion root.
Kombu, maitake, nori, Trisha,shiitake, umeboshi, Wakami.Alkalizing fruits
Banana, high glycemic.
Cherries, sour
Coconut, fresh.
Dates, dried.
Fix, dried.
Honeydew melon
Tropical fruits.
Created by Michelle Vera, MD. This is my opinion. It is information only and not to be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. I disclaim responsibility for any adverse reactions that may results from application of information. Do not reproduce without permission.

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